Sunday, May 18, 2008

Obama & Israel

For those concerned that Sen. Obama won't support Israel, look no further than Thomas L. Friedman's New York Times column today.

He cites several incendiary pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel quotes attributed to Obama, the kind that legitimately worry Jews. Trouble is, they were actually uttered by none other than Pres. Bush.

A true pro-Israel president, Friedman argues, is one who will make America strongest, and best able to support Israel. "Nothing would imperil Israel more than an enfeebled, isolated America."

Clearly Friedman feels Obama is that person.

If Israel is your voting priority, then at least ask the right questions about Mr. Obama. Knock off the churlish whispering campaign about what’s in his heart on Israel and focus first on what kind of America you think he’d build and second on whether you believe that as president he’d have the smarts, steel and cunning to seize a historic opportunity if it arises.

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