Friday, April 25, 2008

Stay Awake

If humans never required sleep, what specifically would you do with all that extra time? How would your family and home be different? How would your town or city be different? How would the world be different?

Would "progress" be faster? Would anything be faster? Would more get done? Or would the awareness of all that extra "productive" time counterbalance any inclination to use it productively?

If, conversely, humans required 16 hours of sleep per day, would their 8 waking hours be spent more productively? Is productivity even a desirable goal?

Do we work hard to enjoy our rest, or do we rest to be able to work harder? A religious view is that the Sabbath is the reward for our labors and not a springboard for more toil.

And if sleep were possible, but not mandatory, how many hours per day would you spend asleep? In one big chunk, or sporadic catnaps?

What's the longest you've ever slept -- and why? What's the longest you've ever stayed awake -- and why? Which was the more enjoyable experience?

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